Qingming Filial Piety and Gratitude: The Flower of Prosperity and Wish Fulfillment Offering


Benefits of Flower Offerings as Described in The Sutra on the Differentiation of Karmic Effects:
1. A life as beautiful as a flower.
2. A body free of foul odors.
3. Virtuous fragrance spreading far and wide.
4. Retaining a flawless sense of smell in every rebirth.
5. Superior to the mundane world, becoming revered by many.
6. A pure and fragrant body.
7. Love and devotion to the Dharma, reading, and recitation.
8. Abundant blessings and merit.
9. Rebirth in heavenly realms after death.
10. Swift attainment of Nirvana.

The donor contributes to the following merits:
🔸Support monastery construction to ensure the Dharma stay for a long time and spreads widely.
🔸If there are surplus funds, continue to support the monastery’s propagation of Dharma and the livelihood and studies of the sangha, allowing the donor's merits to grow and be enjoyed endlessly.

Blessings and Merit Dedications:
🔸The monastery will prepare vibrant and beautiful flower lamps offered to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, praying for the donor to live as elegantly as a flower, bringing joy to all, and remaining pure and devoted to the truth.
🔸The extraordinary merits of monastery construction, monastic support, and Dharma activities will be dedicated to the donor: “May you enjoy auspiciousness day and night, receive the protection of the Triple Gem, increase in blessings and wisdom, and swiftly attain Buddhahood.”
🔸After the puja, donors can present their receipts at the counter to bring home the flowers they offered.

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1. Any surplus of the offerings will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation and to help those in need so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly. 
2. Blessing names will be listed. BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the names of the merits dedication not conforming to the proposed format.  




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