Bliss and Wisdom Main Dana Donor
Merit of Offering Food to the Buddha and Sangha
🔸During the Qingming Festival, a time to honor and remember our ancestors, practicing vegetarianism, protecting life, and making offerings to sangha and the Triple Gem bring immeasurable merits.
🔸According to the Scripture on Differentiating Good and Evil Karma, offering food to the Buddha and the Sangha yields ten merits:
1. Longevity.
2. Radiant appearance.
3. Physical strength.
4. Excellent memory.
5. Wisdom and eloquence.
6. Joyful interactions.
7. Abundance in wealth and treasures.
8. Freedom in heavenly and human realms.
9. Rebirth in heavenly realms.
10. Swift attainment of liberation.
Donor’s Contribution and Merits:
🔸Support monastery construction to ensure the Dharma stay for a long time and spreads widely.
🔸Offer food to Shakyamuni Buddha and the Buddhas of the ten directions.
🔸Provide exquisite offerings to the sangha, wishing for sustenance from the Dharma in future lives.
🔸Any remaining funds will continue to support the monastery construction, propagation of the Dharma, and the livelihood and studies of the sangha, enabling the donor's merits to grow, with boundless spiritual and material wealth.
Blessings and Merit Dedications:
🔸The monastery will specially prepare a "Grand Family Blessing Tablet Before the Buddha," where the donor can add six additional names, praying for the Buddha's light to bring peace, joy, and fulfillment to the family.
🔸Light auspicious blessing lamps for three consecutive days, wishing for the donor’s everlasting health, peace, and happiness under the Buddha’s light.
🔸Arrange exquisite and solemn offerings before the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all directions, bringing boundless merit and wisdom to the donor and their family.
🔸Invite the donor to participate in the puja as a merit sponsor, offering incense.
🔸The presiding Venerable will recite and announce the donor’s name.
🔸Dedicating the supreme merits of monastery construction, monastic support, and Dharma propagation to the donor with wishes for: Family peace and prosperity, physical and mental well-being, and the elimination of obstacles. A long life filled with blessings in this lifetime, rebirth in heavenly realms, and future lives of wealth, health, and virtuous beauty. Opportunities to meet true teachings and great dharma teachers, enabling the swift attainment of Buddhahood.