★Special Recommendation: Qing Ming Filial Piety and Gratitude Offering for Ancestors with a Dedicated Large Lotus Tablet
1. Donor Contributions for the Departed:
🔸Support monastery construction to ensure the Dharma stay for a long time and spreads widely.
🔸If there are surplus funds, continue to support the monastery’s propagation of Dharma and the livelihood and studies of the sangha, allowing the donor's merits to grow and be enjoyed endlessly.
Blessings and Dedication:
🔸The monastery will prepare a Large Dedication Tablet for the departed and pray for the Buddha's blessings.
🔸The monastery will create a Compassionate Amitabha Tablet for the departed, offering it to Amitabha Buddha and praying for His constant compassionate protection to help the departed swiftly attain Buddhahood.
🔸The merits of constructing the monastery, supporting the sangha, and the puja will be dedicated with the aspiration:【"May the ancestors be blessed by Buddha’s compassion, have their karmic obstacles removed, transcend the suffering of samsara, and be reborn in the Pure Land or higher realms. May they always encounter the Triple Gem, cultivate the Bodhi mind, and progress toward enlightenment."】