Main Donors of the Maha-Prajnaparamita Repentance Puja
🔸In conjunction with the Qingming season, main donors of the Maha-Prajnaparamita Repentance uphold and support the puja by devoutly participating in the practice of the Maha-Prajnaparamita Repentance, they lead the merit generation of this puja.
Contributions of the Main Donors:
🔸Support all puja related to the Maha-Prajnaparamita Repentance.
🔸Support monastery construction for the longevity of the Dharma and its propagation, resulting in increasing and boundless blessings for generations.
🔸Any remaining funds will continue to support the monastery construction, propagation of the Dharma, and the livelihood and studies of the sangha, enabling the donor's merits to grow, with boundless spiritual and material wealth.
Blessings and Merit Dedications:
🔸A specially crafted large Maha-Prajnaparamita Repentance Tablet will bear the names of the Main Donor or their family members. It will be offered and dedicated with the following aspiration: "I, disciple ○○○, from today until the end of time, vow to consistently practice the Six Perfections, swiftly develop skillful means, and universally benefit countless beings. I vow to quickly purify body, speech, and mind, cut off the habitual afflictions from beginningless time, and permanently eliminate karmic obstacles. I vow to abide in the state of non-retreat, learn all Bodhisattva practices, and extensively adorn and purify Buddha lands. May I swiftly achieve the realization of all Buddha teachings."
🔸A family blessing tablet will be prepared, allowing the donor to add two additional names, praying for family health and harmony.
🔸Offering auspicious lamps for three consecutive days, symbolizing endless light and hope.
🔸Specially inviting the dana donor to light incense during the puja as a main donor.
🔸The presiding Venerable will recite and announce the donor’s name.
🔸Dedicating the supreme merits of monastery construction, monastic support, and Dharma propagation to the donor with wishes for: Family peace and prosperity, physical and mental well-being, and the elimination of obstacles. A long life filled with blessings in this lifetime, rebirth in heavenly realms, and future lives of wealth, health, and virtuous beauty. Opportunities to meet true teachings and great dharma teachers, enabling the swift attainment of Buddhahood.