弥陀诞法会 – 福慧大斋主
🔸 建设寺院,让正法久住,教法广弘。
🔸During the puja:
👉 供养释迦佛、阿弥陀佛及十方诸佛早午斋食。
👉 以上妙饮食广大斋僧供众,来世获法食。
👉 陈设庄严殊胜供品供养十方一切诸佛菩萨,令斋主福报功德增盛,延绵不绝。
🔸If any funds remain, they will continue to support the monastery's construction, Dharma propagation, and the sustenance of the sangha’s study and practice, increasing the donor’s merits, which will be enjoyed endlessly.
2. In the Sutra on the Merit of Giving, it is said: “If one offers the most exquisite food and drink to the Three Jewels, five kinds of benefits are gained: a dignified appearance, increased vitality, prolonged lifespan, peace and happiness, and eloquence in speech.”
5. For five consecutive days during the midday meal, the presiding venerable will chant the donor's name and dedicate blessings for them.
6. With the merits of supporting the monastery construction, the Sangha, and the puja, a grand dedication of merit will be performed for the donor:
Healthy body and mind, Safety, peace and auspiciousness for the family, elimination of sickness and karmic obscurations. Amidst wealth and prosperity life after life, and abundant food and clothing. In every life, encounter the Triple Gem and receive blessings and equip with internal and external conditions to cultivate the Teachings of the Buddha, receive guidance from excellent teachers. Quickly accumulate vast merits and increase bliss and wisdom, and to quickly achieve the state of Buddhahood.