MT - Compassionate Meal Donor


1. Donors will contribute to the following Meritorious Deeds:
🔸 建设寺院,让正法久住,教法广弘。
🔸 于法会期间:
👉 供养释迦佛、阿弥陀佛及十方诸佛早午斋食。
👉 以上妙饮食广大斋僧供众,来世获法食。
👉 于佛前陈设殊胜供品,令斋主增广福慧功德,世世富乐无尽。
🔸 若有余款,继续护持寺院建寺、弘法利生,以及护持僧众学修、生活等,令斋主福报增长,受用不尽。



4. Presiding Sangha will recite donors’ names for grand dedication for:
Healthy body and mind, Safety, peace and auspiciousness for the family, elimination of sickness and karmic obscurations. Amidst wealth and prosperity life after life, and abundant food and clothing. In every life, encounter the Triple Gem and receive blessings and equip with internal and external conditions to cultivate the Teachings of the Buddha, receive guidance from excellent teachers. Quickly accumulate vast merits and increase bliss and wisdom, and to quickly achieve the state of Buddhahood.



1. Any surplus of the offerings will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation and to help those in need so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly. 
2. Blessing names will be listed. BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the names of the merits dedication not conforming to the proposed format.  




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