The All-Encompassing Protection of Avalokiteshvara: Bliss and Wisdom Great Dana Donor


1. Merits of Offering Alms: According to the Sutra on Differentiating Good and Evil Consequences, offering alms to Buddhas and monks yields ten merits: 1)Longevity. 2)A complete and beautiful appearance. 3)Strength. 4)Sharp memory. 5)Wisdom and eloquence. 6)Admiration by all beings. 7)Wealth and abundance. 8)Freedom and ease in human and heavenly realms. 9)Rebirth in celestial realms. 10)Rapid attainment of liberation.

2. Donor’s Contribution and Merits:
🔸Support monastery construction to ensure the Dharma stay for a long time and spreads widely.
🔸Offer alms to Shakyamuni Buddha, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and all Buddhas of the ten directions.
🔸Provide exquisite offerings to the sangha, wishing for sustenance from the Dharma in future lives.
🔸Any remaining funds will continue to support the monastery construction, propagation of the Dharma, and the livelihood and studies of the sangha, enabling the donor's merits to grow, with boundless spiritual and material wealth.

3. Blessings and Merit Dedications:
🔸A【Special Family Blessing Tablet】will be created, where the donor can add six additional names, praying for the family to enjoy auspiciousness and peace under the radiance of the Buddha’s light.
🔸A【Ten-Thousand Blessing Lamp】will be lit, wishing for continued light and enduring blessings.
🔸Arrange exquisite and solemn offerings before the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all directions, bringing boundless merit and wisdom to the donor and their family.
🔸Invite the donor to participate in the puja as a merit sponsor, offering incense.
🔸The presiding Venerable will recite and announce the donor’s name.

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1. Any surplus of the offerings will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation and to help those in need so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly. 
2. Blessing names will be listed. BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the names of the merits dedication not conforming to the proposed format.  




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